M is for Monster

Happy Monday! What a great day to tackle the letter M for the A to Z Blog Challenge! I’m loosely using the word “monster” as a catch-all term to briefly discuss species/creatures/beings/etc. in paranormal fiction (“PF” for the sake of this post). One not familiar with the general guidelines under each genre and subgenre will …

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Character Spotlight: Laszlo Raithencor

We have arrived at Day 12 of the A to Z Blog Challenge, where the goal is to post every day in the month of Aoril, except for Sundays. That leaves 26 days – equal to the number of letters in the Modern English alphabet. So each day, you’re challenged to write a post based …

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Character Spotlight: Kat Wylde

It’s a big day, friends! Day 12 of the A to Z Blog Challenge brings us to letter K – and that means we’re going to take a look at our FMC (female main character) in my upcoming paranormal romance novel, Capturing the Wylde Wolf. Unfortunately, I can only say so much without providing spoilers! …

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Character Spotlight: Juliette Moreland

Welcome back to Day 10 of the April A to Z Blog Challenge! Today is the letter J, so that’s perfect for a side character from my upcoming novel, Capturing the Wylde Wolf. Remember, as with all my character spotlights, I can only share so much without giving away story spoilers. Strap in for a …

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I is for Indie Author

Welcome back for another abecedarian blog post for the April challenge! Today, I thought I would talk about indie authors. There’s more than one type of author? For those who may not know, “indie author” is a shorthand term for “independent author,” meaning those who self-publish or are published by a small press. Traditionally published …

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Character Spotlight: Gunnar Penn

Welcome back to a new week of posts for the April A to Z Blog Challenge! Today, I’ll be tackling the letter G by sharing some information about a side character from my upcoming novel, Capturing the Wylde Wolf. Remember, as with all my character spotlights, I can only share so much without giving away …

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F is for Fated Mates

The last blog post this week for the A to Z challenge is about the well-known fiction romance trope (especially in paranormal, supernatural, and even some sci-fi) of fated mates. What does that mean? In the simplest explanation, it started out as exactly what it sounds like. Mates—two individuals of the opposite sex who enter …

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Character Spotlight: Evan Mason

Day 5 of the A to Z Blog Challenge is here, and today’s topic is one of the male leads of my upcoming paranormal romance, Capturing the Wylde Wolf. Please keep in mind that I can only share so much information while avoiding spoilers, but you can find out more when the book releases! Evan …

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Character Spotlight: Cthulhu the Pomeranian

No, this is not some crazy Lovecraftian dog breed. Cthulhu is a regular ole black Pomeranian—with an attitude. And he is the topic of Day 3 in the A to Z Blog Challenge, fulfilling letter C. Cthulhu is the beloved furry friend of Grace Wylde, Kat’s aunt in my upcoming paranormal romance, Capturing the Wylde …

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