Q is for Quirks

On the 19th day of the A to Z challenge, I wanted to touch on the subject of creating characters and the need for them to have quirks. Importance of characters Some people argue that plot is tremendously more important than characters, because if the plot goes nowhere and nothing happens, it doesn’t matter if …

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P is for Paranormal

And here we are for another day of the A to Z Blog Challenge! I’ve been extremely busy recently and almost had to call it quits on the daily posts, but I’m really trying to push through. Today, let’s take a brief look at the paranormal fiction genre as a whole. What is the paranormal …

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Character Spotlight: Olivia Chandler

Time to look at another character from my upcoming novel, Capturing the Wylde Wolf! I won’t be giving away any spoilers, so I can’t give too much away. Olivia Chandler Early years Olivia was born to a middle-class family, but they were content with their status. Her parents considered themselves “flower children,” though they were …

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N is for Novellas (and then some)

I can’t believe how quickly April is flying by! But here we are, more than halfway through the month, and jumping into letter N for the A to Z Blog Challenge. I’m being a bit cheeky here and using the word “novella” to go with the letter of the day, but I want to talk …

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M is for Monster

Happy Monday! What a great day to tackle the letter M for the A to Z Blog Challenge! I’m loosely using the word “monster” as a catch-all term to briefly discuss species/creatures/beings/etc. in paranormal fiction (“PF” for the sake of this post). One not familiar with the general guidelines under each genre and subgenre will …

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Character Spotlight: Laszlo Raithencor

We have arrived at Day 12 of the A to Z Blog Challenge, where the goal is to post every day in the month of Aoril, except for Sundays. That leaves 26 days – equal to the number of letters in the Modern English alphabet. So each day, you’re challenged to write a post based …

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Character Spotlight: Kat Wylde

It’s a big day, friends! Day 12 of the A to Z Blog Challenge brings us to letter K – and that means we’re going to take a look at our FMC (female main character) in my upcoming paranormal romance novel, Capturing the Wylde Wolf. Unfortunately, I can only say so much without providing spoilers! …

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Character Spotlight: Juliette Moreland

Welcome back to Day 10 of the April A to Z Blog Challenge! Today is the letter J, so that’s perfect for a side character from my upcoming novel, Capturing the Wylde Wolf. Remember, as with all my character spotlights, I can only share so much without giving away story spoilers. Strap in for a …

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I is for Indie Author

Welcome back for another abecedarian blog post for the April challenge! Today, I thought I would talk about indie authors. There’s more than one type of author? For those who may not know, “indie author” is a shorthand term for “independent author,” meaning those who self-publish or are published by a small press. Traditionally published …

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