2024 A to Z Blog Challenge Theme Reveal

Welcome to my new blog! And it turns out, I’m just in time, because I recently discovered the A to Z April Blog Challenge and decided to hit the ground running by participating.

I’m a paranormal and supernatural fiction author who pens stories ranging from romance to thrillers, mysteries, and more, all in the paranormal/supernatural vein. I’ve previously written in several other genres under other pen names and as a ghostwriter, dabbling in all sizes of fiction, including flash fiction, short stories, novellas, and novels.

For the upcoming blog challenge next month, we have the option of announcing a theme (if one is desired) by March 16th, so I am really cutting it close, but I wanted to think on it to ensure I could fill 26 days with the theme. It took almost no time to decide, though, so here it is:


Probably not much of a surprise, right? But it’s a topic I’m passionate about and was inspired by my upcoming novel, Capturing the Wylde Wolf (which is part one of a duology, with a supplemental novella in the works). Expect some sneak peeks into the world and characters, as well as discussions surrounding why I chose paranormal fiction, how to craft a series, worldbuilding, character building, tropes (good and bad), and more! Blog posts beyond April will cover additional topics, as well as expand on the April topics, and I welcome suggestions for anything related to paranormal fiction for future posts.

I look forward to seeing you in the comments, and if you have a blog that revolves around the same topic, feel free to link it so I can check it out!

32 thoughts on “2024 A to Z Blog Challenge Theme Reveal

    • I really appreciate you coming by anyway – and you might be surprised! One of the main points in my writing is to write enjoyable stories without some of the tropes that pervade the genre that are unsettling. For example, I don’t like the way some of these stories make young, impressionable people (especially girls) think certain concepts in stories (like stalking being romantic) are acceptable in real life. I try to take the feelings behind that (the feeling of being protected) and portray it in a healthy way to show you can experience these things without abusive relationships. I’ll actually be covering this topic toward the end of the challenge (V = values).


    • Thank you, and the same to you! I’m slowly working my way through all the theme posts – there’s a lot!

    • Thank you very much! I’m looking forward to this month’s challenges and sharing what I’ve learned over the years. Everyone has such great themes, and I’m excited to see all the posts and learn new things!

  1. Welcome to the A-Z Challenge. You will have fun with it. I look forward to dropping in and reading about all things paranormal fiction.
    Happy blogging, Jenny

    • Thank you for coming by, Jenny! April is going to be exciting and full of fun with all the different blogs!

  2. I love paranormal stories, and if they are “not the usual” even better, since I write some of those myself. Will be back to read for sure 💜 Enjoy the challenge!

    • I sure will, and I hope you do too! Paranormal fiction is so fun and freeing to me since you can make different worlds with different rules and really go wild with exploration. I just hate that some of it has gotten such a bad rap for various reasons.

    • Thank you very much! I love mythology and folklore and am looking forward to seeing how you pull everything together!

  3. Exciting theme reveal! I’m looking forward to following your A-to-Z journey throughout April. Best of luck with the challenge. I’ve restarted my blog and deleted all the old content since I’ve been away for about 10 years and am coming back with the A-to-Z Challenge, hopefully it’ll give me some blog theme motivation and some dedicated readers. My theme is here: https://illusionsofchaos.blogspot.com/2024/03/hello-again-atozchallenge-theme-reveal.html

    • Thank you very much! I just stopped by your most and am intrigued. I can’t wait to see how your posts expound on your themes. And welcome back to blogging, even if only temporarily!

    • Thank you very much! I’m definitely interested to see your posts and what you’ve picked up about the publishing business so far.

    • Thank you very much, and good luck to you too! Visiting so many different blogs is going to be fun!

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